2018-03-14 | 阅2373
来源:十成托福 | 类型: 考试资讯
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第二篇:历史是双篇,英国统治之下的印度两个反观点的演讲 一个是英国统治好棒 一个说在奴役印度人民。
Passage 1 from “Government of India”, a speech delivered in the house of commons on the 10th of July 1833 by Thomas Babington Macaulay. On Wednesday, the tenth of July 1833, Mr Charles Grant, President of the Board of Control, moved that the Bill for effecting an arrangement with the India Company, and for the better government of His Majesty's Indian territories, should be read a second time. The motion was carried without a division, but not without a long debate, in the course of which the following Speech was made.
第三篇:鸟类协作可以抵御异种鸟类在自己鸟窝里面下蛋影响自身繁殖。然后需要补充的细节是如果不小心异种??繁殖,会影响自己的繁殖。所以一开始就要把成人的鸟赶出去,这个过程中socially 很重要。
How Cooperation Defeats Cheats
in the spring of 1879, Hermann Lau shot two white-winged choughs, Corcorax melanorhamphos, off their nest in Queensland, Australia. He watched as additional choughs continued to attend the nest, proving that a cooperative group shared parental care. Since then, cooperatively breeding birds have had a starring role in efforts to explain the evolution of complex animal societies. We now know that “helpers-at-the-nest” who forgo reproduction are often relatives of the breeding pair. Genetic payoff is, thus, one of several advantages that helpers can gain from their superficially altruistic behavior. On page 1506 of this issue, Feeney et al. show that collective defense against brood parasites (see the figure) can enhance such benefits of cooperation.
第四篇:最好的在截止日期前完成任务的方式就是立即开始 ,分析人们如何会产生立即着手去做的心态。
文章开篇引出一个谚语,如果有一些事要做。交给一个忙人去做。然后一个研究证明了这个谚语。忙人能更好的理解deadline 。人们做事情分为四个阶段,怎么从计划转化到做是最关键的一步,执行模式最重要的是组织时间,现在时间是在人们脑海中最重要的,如果deadline 是将来的时间,不是present ,就会被人们忽视,然后通过实验证明这些观点。
Future, imperfect and tense
IF YOU want something done, the saying goes, give it to a busy person. It is an odd way to guarantee hitting deadlines. But a paper recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests it may, in fact, be true—as long as the busy person conceptualises the deadline in the right way.
Yanping Tu of the University of Chicago and Dilip Soman of the University of Toronto examined how individuals go about both thinking about and completing tasks. Previous studies have shown that such activity progresses through four distinct phases: pre-decision, post-decision (but pre-action), action and review. It is thought that what motivates the shift from the decision-making stages to the doing-something stage is a change in mindset.
第五篇:在月亮的一个dark spot 下面发现了Plumbing system ,和地球上的相似,科学家认为月球比之前认为的更dynamic 。月球上也有rifting ,之前认为没有,打破了之前的想法,还有很多值得探索的地方。月球新发现使得人们怀疑之前对于月球地貌形成的固有研究结果。
Ancient magma plumbing found buried below moon's largest dark spot
By Eric HandOct. 1, 2014 , 1:00 PM
Scientists have found a nearly square peg underneath a round hole—on the moon. Several kilometers below Oceanus Procellarum, the largest dark spot on the moon’s near side, scientists have discovered a giant rectangle thought to be the remnants of a geological plumbing system that spilled lava across the moon about 3.5 billion years ago. The features are similar to rift valleys on Earth—regions where the crust is cooling, contracting, and ripping apart. Their existence shows that the moon, early in its history, experienced tectonic and volcanic activity normally associated with much bigger planets.
一个叫Vik Muniz的巴西女艺术家经过接触种植甘蔗的一家人,有了用sugar在黑色纸上作画的想法,画完“sugar children” portraits后拍照,然后把纸上的糖收集回糖罐子里,并把照片贴在罐子上。作品很有影响力,被收集在了纽约当代艺术馆。之后Vik开启了用各种平常物品作画的模式,还recreate了很多名作,如达芬奇的“最后的晚餐”,“美杜莎”等。后边还举例说她观察垃圾场的工人,并用这些工人收集来的dump作画。她的创意和思想让她成为一个杰出的艺术家。
Passage 2
“Arts have economic value”
第二段主要讲了艺术能给人们带来就业,比如art gallergy, 无论是创造艺术的professionals,还是普通的管理和维护者,都能受益.
第三段主要讲了类似于festival等艺术活动,除了门票之外所带来的附加收益:food, lodge, transport, souvenir等。配合图表等内容出题,涉及到native, nonnative, average在不同消费项目上的消费数额/比例。
Passage 3
美国现在缺少primary care provider(初级治疗机构),并且只有三分之一的physicians(护理师)specialized in primary care。学习这个专业学生的数量也在下降,但幸运的是,美国有一个专业群体,叫做pharmacists(药剂师)。除了传统的制药意外事件,他们也会preventive medicine(预防医学),health counseling(健康咨询服务),以及相关的treatments(治疗)。
同时,他们也会在各大药店里给人们注射疫苗,这样一来,对人们和相关机构来说都更加方便。这些药剂师参与的项目叫做collaborative drug therapy management(简称CDTM),在医院里,护理师负责诊断,药剂师负责治疗,这样一来,两者一起为病人们服务,给他们提供更有效的治疗方案。药剂师不仅可以给病人们推荐没有副作用的药物,也可以告诉他们正确的食药时间和方法。
但是,在美国的某些州里,legal barriers 让药剂师这个工作越来越被动。甚至有些认为制药是合法的州里,也不把药剂师这个工作归类于medical practice(医疗实践)。但不可否认的是,药剂师在整个国家初级治疗的发展中有很大的影响和作用。
Passage 4
科学家们总是在想“地球上的海洋是如何形成个呢?”在早期历史中,由于地球表遍太过炎热,液体以及frozen water(冻结的水)不可能存在,所以,水应该是在相对较后的时间里出现的。有个学说认为,海洋是由icy comets 和地球表面碰撞产生的。但是在2009年,科学家在巴西的矿山里发现了一种矿物质—ringwoodite(尖晶橄榄石)。它存在于上地幔和下地幔的中间位置,大约地球表面下400英里左右的“transition zone”(过渡区)里。
Ringwoodite的发现是非常重要的,因为它有储存水的能力(高达1.5%的ringwoodite里存有水)。尽管很久以前地球过于炎热的表面无法有水的存在,但是ringwoodite给了地球上水生存的可能。过渡区大部分都是由ringwoodite组成的,所以在地球火山爆发和板块运动的时候,ringwoodite和少量rocks进行dehydration melting (releasing water)慢慢形成了现在的海洋。
写作Adapted from Mohamed Ibrahim, "Looting Egypt’s heritage" by the The washingtonpost.com. Originally published October 18, 2013.
Adapted fromMohamed Ibrahim, "LootingEgypt’s heritage" ?2013 by the The washingtonpost.com. Originally published October 18, 2013.
Mohamed Ibrahim is Egypt’s minister of state for antiquities and a professor of Egyptology at Ain Shams University in Cairo.
Egypt’s future lies in its history, particularly its archaeological history. For hundreds of years the mystery and wonders of the pyramids, the sphinx and the Valley of the Kings have attracted visitors from around the world. Tourism is the lifeblood of Egypt’s economy and touches the lives of most Egyptians, whether they work as tour guides, restaurant owners, craftsmen or bus operators. Egypt’s history holds the prosperity of the country’s future generations, including that of youths — more than 40 million Egyptians are age 30 or younger — who are seeking opportunities.
阅读材料内容与2016年5月亚太试题The Lovely Stones极为相似,呼吁世界各界人士参与保护埃及文物遗产。此类考题并称为“资源保护类”,文章套路一般为“宣扬价值-惨遭破坏-呼吁保护”。
情感方面,是这篇文章最好找的一类手法。从选词角度,谈价值时大量的正向词汇,比如mystery,wonders,prosperity等;谈破坏时的负向词汇如losses,crimes,unfortunately等;在表达埃及人民捍卫文物决心时的strong stand都可以作为分析情感方向的选择。此外,整篇文章每一个段落都在触发读者对于惨遭不幸的文物同情(sympathy)和惋惜(pity),对于偷盗并私自贩卖、对文物造成迫害行为的愤怒(anger)和批判(blame),对埃及为保卫历史文化遗产的决心和作为产生敬佩(admired)和激励(motivated),从而认识到重要性,加入到他们的队伍中去。
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