2017-07-19 | 阅1064
来源:十成托福 | 类型: 托福资讯 | 返回上一级列表页 本文永久链接:http://www.shichengtuofu.com/Article/Details/293





4、再次仿真练习,读passage,听lecture,再写summary,然后对书后面的sample answer,一定做到不要遗漏听力中的关键信息。


托福综合写作听力要抓住细节。第一,首段完全不用听,学生只需熟悉professor 的语速和声音就OK了,中间段往往第一句和最后一句不需要记;第二,并列连词分成两点写,转折连词后面为得分点;第三,听懂再记,听不懂大意不要记一些无关紧要的词,句子长听that 后面的细节;第四,记笔记以大脑理解记忆为主,辅助笔头上记一些能够串起线索的词,千万不要默整个句子。最后,综合写作应该被认为是客观题,只要将听力的细节点描述的尽可能清晰,与阅读构成反驳,就是高分的方向,无需运用高深的词汇、短语、句式,更无需华丽的模板,因此说白了就是在考学生的听细节能力以及简单的组织文章能力。


The reading passage states that the archaeology in Britain faces a variety of challenges. The professor, however, claims the guidelines,which were established in 1990, have changed the whole situation a lot.

  The reading mentions that many construction projects destroyed the valuable ancient artifacts. It declares that the increasing population in Britain has posed a threat to the artifacts. The professor believes people can adopt several approaches to protect these priceless artifacts. She says that the construction sites should be examined by the archaeologists before any construction activities and then a plan could be made up to protect them.

  The reading then argues that there is no adequate financial support for archaeological research in Britain. It also states that the financial support, which is influenced by the unstable government priority, is fluky. Nevertheless, the professor counters by saying companies, which are responsible for the construction sites, should pay for the archaeological work done on the sites, so archaeologists finally can do a lot of work with the new finance source.

Finally, responding to the claim that people can not find a career in archaeology, the professor declares that lots of jobs are provided from the guidelines. For example, many archaeology experts are hired all stages of the process to examine the archaeology site, and they can process the data and write reports and articles. 


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